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NataliqueGems, Inc


Phone (917) 656-4478
Mobile (917) 656-4478 - Mobile
Address 580 5th Avenue, suite629,
New York, NY 10036 United States


Owner Natella Livshits' background includes the study of architecture and visual arts studying design of scale, proportion, and color scheme. That, along with 18 years hands-on experience in the diamond and jewelry trade, gives her a discerning eye towards fabulous custom jewelry designs for the discriminating client.

Natella implements the customer's design ideas and uses computer graphics to create 3-dimensional images that help visualize the whole design process step-by-step.

Natella affords one-on-one personalized service that you can't find in department stores to create one-of-a-kind, custom pieces of jewelry for their clientele.

Natalique represents many European, American and Brasilian designers.

- Italy: Marco Bicego, Garavelli, Enrico Capra, Rebecca, Pianegonda, La Nouvelle Bague, Valente, Soho, Crivelli, Laurentia, Roberta Poratti, Cantamessa, Centoventuno, Zancan, Kria, Leaderline, Sanalitro, Paolo Piovan, Gaspari, Fani, Adelio Rossi, Oro Trend, Paolo Bonja, Nuove Gioie.
- Brasil: Talento, Vancox, Forum Romano, F.R. Hueb
- England: Rodney Ryner
- Germany: Helmuth, Gellner, Pedro Boregaard.
- Israel: Yvel

Bridal jewelry department showcases a lot of American Award Winning designers such as : Mark Schneider, Verragio, Michael Bondanza, Scott Keating, Alex Soldier, Zoltan David, Alishan as well as Parade Designs and Danhov, wedding bands by Benchmark (USA) and Furrer Jacot (Switzerland). Natalique carries a large inventory of GIA & EGL certified diamonds in any shape, size and price range to accompany their designer engagement ring settings.

Natalique offers fashion diamond rings; designer jewelry; watches by Philip Stein; diamond and South Sea & Tahitian pearl earrings; colored stone jewelry; turquoise and coral sets; tennis diamond bracelets; and hand-made, high-carat gold jewelry from India & Turkey. There is also a collection of new and vintage Hermes bags available.

Call 917-656-4478 for more information or to make an appointment to speak with their knowledgeable staff.

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