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Exclusive Jewelry


Phone (216) 581-9181
Address 20801 Miles Rd,
Cleveland, OH 44128 United States


Exclusive Jewelry is a respected provider of jewelry service in Cleveland. Visit us sometime soon at our business address or give us a phone call at (216) 581-9181.

Reviews for Exclusive Jewelry

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  • Exclusive Jewelry

    Posted On:

    “On 07/07/08 went to Exclusive Jewelry at Tower City in Cleveland, Ohio needing the bracelet portion of a men’s Breitling watch repaired. The bracelet clasp needs to be welded or spot tacked back together. I dropped it off since they stated it had to be sent to their repair facility, okay no problem. After nearly a month no one called me to let me know the status of the repair, so I decided to go there on my lunch hour and to see what was going on. When I stepped in the store they stated the watch was repaired. I tried it on and the clasp would not catch and lock down as the manufacturer designed it. The person behind the counter tried to convince me that it was repaired correctly and that the bill would be $43.00. I explained calmly to the person that this is not repaired to the satisfaction of me or the specs of the way this particular clasp it supposed to lock. Now here's the kicker, he then tries to advised me that the folding latch the swing over the clasp is defective too. I stated to him that the repair receipt states to repair the strap. That means to me that repair the strap so it will perform as before it was in need of repair. So don't try to dissect every little component on the strap and state that it was defective when I brought it in your store. If you can't repair it to the manufacturer specifications, then say you can't and I can be on my way. If this is not repaired correctly, then they can bring the watch with them to court, no problem.”

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