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Classic Jewelers Exchange


Phone (801) 266-3388
Address 5473 s State St,
Murray, UT 84107 United States


Classic Jewelers Exchange is a fine jewelry store and pawn shop located in Murray, Utah. We buy, sell and loan on all fine jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, coins and so much more. We even buy, sell and loan on electronics. Classic Jewelers Exchange is a full service jeweler and can custom design jewelry, repair jewelry and watches or give you a loan on you jewelry.

Our staff has over 25 years of experience in the jewelry industry. We continually use our experience in order to offer you the lowest prices when buying jewelry. We are also able to pay you higher prices for your unwanted jewelry, diamonds, gold and watches. What ever you need we can help.

We are also a full service jeweler. We have been doing custom design jewelry for over 25 years. Whether you find something in our store, or you already know what you want, we can design the perfect piece of jewelry for you.

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